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“Thanks for all of the help getting me back to work. The whole body approach is awesome. I have learned a lot of new skills to keep me healthy, not only for my shoulder, but my hip and neck too.”

Occupational Therapy

When a person is injured at work, they may find themselves unable to perform certain daily activities or job duties as they were once able to. Occupational therapists assist in restoring and maximizing these functional capacities, utilizing activity analysis to identify barriers to participating in job-related tasks.
The goal of the Occupational Therapy program is to assist clients in maximizing their functional capacities, enabling them to participate as fully as possible in valued occupations and required job tasks. This is done through providing adaptive strategies, utilizing adaptive equipment when appropriate, and training in safe movement patterns to ensure injury prevention during functional activities.

Occupational Therapy might be the right program for you if:

  • You have a recent or chronic bodily injury that impacts your daily function.
  • You are not able to participate in meaningful or necessary activities without pain or limitation post injury.
  • You have made progress in Physical Therapy but still need strategies to help managing the tasks of daily life.

Program Duration

The duration of this program is 2-3 days per week, with 1 hour per day over a 6 week period. Additional periods of therapy can be authorized depending on the condition of the client. Treatment is administered through 1:1 sessions with an OT.

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