Work Conditioning is a structured therapy program that focuses on improving a worker’s strength, endurance and body mechanics.
Work Hardening
Work Hardening is a more intensive structured therapy program in which the physical activities of a specific job are simulated to prepare a worker to return to a predetermined occupation.
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Therapy
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Therapy (BIRT) utilizes outpatient treatment that is integrated, comprehensive, and evidence-based to meet the unique needs of each individual and reduce the effects of their injury.
Pain Management
Pain management is a structured therapy program that gives workers suffering with chronic pain the tools they need to regain their comfort and functionality to return to work.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a medical rehabilitation practice in which the therapist will assess and diagnose physical and functional impairments and create an individualized treatment plan to address limitations.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists assist in restoring and maximizing these functional capacities, utilizing activity analysis to identify barriers to participating in job-related tasks.
Occupational Medicine
Occupational medicine utilizes our physicians to evaluate and comprehensively manage an injured workers’ health and work ability in relation to the requirements of their work.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care assists the injured worker in the safe return to work by establishing the patient’s current physical status through questioning, imaging,diagnostic testing and physical examination.
Psychology Services
Help injured workers understand, grow, and adapt to the problems arising from an injury or chronic pain
Functional Capacity Evaluations
An “FCE” is an evaluation consisting of an interview, physical screen, formal assessment tools and work related activities that help gauge a clients ability to meet vocational goals.
Driving Simulator
High quality graphics, 3D sound with high fidelity motion that provides an ideal simulated driving experience in a real car cockpit environment.
Progressive Goal Attainment Program
A trained coach assists in establishing, monitoring and recording pre-established goals, which focus on community re-integration and transition back to the workforce.